Friday, December 10, 2010

First Entry

Time to be afraid....I am now blogging.  I am now no longer confined to the limited space on Facebook!  Feel free to read, will be making posts from time to time.  They will range from my opinions on pretty much anything, feel free to argue with me, but in a respectful way.  It is possible for 2 people to have differing opinions and still be civil and friendly.  I will talk about my personal journey from obesity to where I am at now, and the continued struggle.  I will talk about my faith, I am a Christian and am not ashamed by it, I don't hide behind it, I defend it. 

I'm excited about this!

1 comment:

  1. I love civil debates, um, I mean discussions. Bring them on!

    Very cool, that you are blogging. Let us know when the next installment comes.

